110 Million Nigerians Enrolled for NIN: NIMC Targets Even More Registrations

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NIMC Announces Major Milestone in National Identification Enrolment

The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) has reached a significant milestone, announcing that over 110 million Nigerians have enrolled for the National Identification Number (NIN). This achievement
highlights the country’s progress in building a comprehensive national identity database, which is vital for effective governance, security, and service delivery.

Speaking at the 6th National Identity Day celebration in Abuja, Mrs. Abisoye Coker-Odusote, the Director General of NIMC, emphasized that the commission is committed to ensuring that even more Nigerians are
enrolled in the shortest possible time. The commission’s goal is to drive further enrolment, ensuring that every citizen has access to their NIN, which is crucial for accessing government services and benefits.

During the event, the Minister of Interior, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, highlighted the importance of protecting the data of the millions of Nigerians now registered under the NIN system. With a growing number of
people captured by the NIMC, he stated that the focus must shift to ensuring robust data protection measures to safeguard citizens’ information.

September 16 was declared National Identity Day by the Federal Government in 2020, following the approval of President Muhammadu Buhari. This day is dedicated to encouraging Nigerians to register for their NIN,
helping the government create a unified national database. Now in its sixth year, National Identity Day continues to play a key role in promoting the importance of identity registration.

As Nigeria continues to advance its national identification initiatives, the enrolment of over 110 million citizens is a critical achievement. With ongoing efforts to enroll even more Nigerians,
the NIMC is playing a pivotal role in ensuring that every citizen has access to a secure and verified identity, further enhancing the country’s development trajectory.

The National Identification Number (NIN) system is becoming an essential tool in Nigeria’s governance framework, with widespread implications for various sectors.

The NIN is increasingly becoming a prerequisite for accessing a wide range of government services. From healthcare and education to banking and telecommunications, the NIN helps streamline processes and verify identities.

It also supports government initiatives aimed at improving public services by providing accurate population data. By enrolling more Nigerians, the government can better allocate resources and plan for development projects.

One of the key benefits of having a national identification system is its role in enhancing national security. With over 110 million citizens registered, the NIN system allows the government to better track individuals
and monitor illegal activities. It serves as a crucial tool in fighting crime, terrorism, and identity theft, ensuring that all Nigerians are accounted for within the national framework.

Despite the significant progress, there are still challenges in reaching the remaining population, especially in rural and remote areas. However, NIMC is working on solutions to make the enrolment process more accessible.
Mobile registration centers, partnerships with private sector entities, and public awareness campaigns are part of the strategy to ensure that every Nigerian can obtain their NIN.

The journey toward full NIN enrolment is ongoing, and the current achievements mark an important step forward for Nigeria. As more citizens register and the national database expands,
the country is poised to experience enhanced governance, better access to services, and improved security. With the continued efforts of NIMC and the government’s commitment to national identity management,
Nigeria is on track to fully harness the potential of a unified identification system.

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