In a meticulously orchestrated operation, the military, in collaboration with local authorities and government agencies, successfully rescued the abducted Kuriga students, marking a commendable achievement. Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, the Director of Defence Media Operations, disclosed this development in a statement issued on Sunday in Abuja.
A total of 137 individuals, comprising 76 females and 61 males, regained their freedom in Zamfara as part of the operation. These liberated individuals will be conveyed and handed over to the Kaduna State Government for further necessary actions. Additionally, on March 21, troops carried out another successful rescue operation, freeing 16 pupils (Almajiris) and a woman who were held captive in Gada Local Government Area of Sokoto State. Subsequently, these captives were promptly surrendered to the Sokoto State Government.
These courageous rescue efforts underscore the unwavering commitment of the armed forces to locate and free all innocent hostages, while also ensuring the apprehension of the terrorists responsible for these reprehensible crimes. This steadfast commitment will persist until all remaining hostages are accounted for, and the perpetrators are apprehended, prosecuted, and brought to justice in accordance with Nigerian law. Troops are equally intensifying efforts to apprehend the perpetrators responsible for the tragic killing of 18 soldiers in Okuama Community in Delta State.
The perpetrators of these abhorrent acts will not evade justice, as they will be held accountable for their crimes. The DHQ remains resolute in its unwavering dedication to safeguarding the safety and security of Nigerian citizens and will continue to take decisive actions against criminal elements that threaten the peace and stability of the nation.