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The Nigerian Correctional Service (NCOS) has declared two hundred and eighty-one inmates missing from the medium security custodial Centre Maiduguri (MSCC) after the evacuation of inmates by officers of the service with support from sister security agencies.

In a statement signed by the service public relations officer, Mister Abubakar Umar, The Maiduguri flood brought down the walls of the correctional facilities, including the Medium Security Custodial Centre Maiduguri (MSCC) as well as the staff quarters in the city.

The statement adds that, upon the evacuation of inmates by officers of the service with support from sister security agencies to a safe and secure facility, two hundred and eighty-one inmates were observed to be missing.

The statement further adds that a total of seven inmates have been recaptured and returned to custody, while efforts are on to track down the rest and bring them back to safe custody.
Efforts to strengthen security and prevent future occurrences

In response to the current crisis, the Nigerian correctional service is not only focused on recapturing the missing inmates but also on strengthening the security of custodial facilities.
Discussions are underway on how to improve the resilience of correctional centers against natural disasters like floods, which can compromise the safety and security of both inmates and staff.

The NCOS is working closely with local authorities, emergency management agencies, and security forces to address the aftermath of the floods. These efforts include repairing the damaged walls of the MSCC, relocating inmates to more secure locations, and ensuring that such an incident does not recur in the future. The collaboration between various security agencies has been critical in managing this situation and enhancing the overall security of correctional facilities nationwide.

As part of their recapture efforts, the NCOS is utilizing advanced technology and intelligence-gathering methods. This includes surveillance systems, collaboration with local informants,
and working with national databases to track the movements of the escaped inmates. The goal is to ensure that all missing individuals are brought back into custody as quickly as possible.

The NCOS has called on the public to cooperate with security agencies by reporting any suspicious activities or sightings of the missing inmates. Public support is crucial in this effort,
and community members are encouraged to remain vigilant and provide information that could lead to the recapture of the remaining escapees.

This incident highlights the importance of disaster preparedness in custodial facilities. Moving forward, it is expected that the Nigerian correctional service will implement more robust measures to safeguard correctional centers from environmental hazards. This may include fortifying the structural integrity of facilities, developing emergency response plans, and ensuring that inmates can be quickly and securely relocated in the event of future disasters.

The Maiduguri floods have presented a significant challenge for the NCOS, but they are determined to address the situation with urgency and care. As efforts to recapture the missing inmates continue, the service is also working on long-term solutions to enhance the safety and security of Nigeria’s correctional facilities. The recapture of the remaining inmates will be a key measure of success in these efforts.

While the current situation remains fluid, the Nigerian correctional service is optimistic about resolving the crisis. With coordinated efforts between security agencies, local authorities, and the public, there is hope that the missing inmates will soon be recaptured and returned to custody, restoring order and safety to the affected areas.


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