Former President Goodluck Jonathan Calls for Peaceful Political Practices in Nigeria

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International Peace Day

Former President Goodluck Jonathan has made a powerful appeal for peaceful political processes, highlighting their crucial role in achieving effective governance in Nigeria. Speaking during a stakeholder dialogue held in Abuja to commemorate the International Day of Peace, Jonathan expressed deep concerns over the growing intensity of political competition in the country, noting that it has evolved into a major security threat. He emphasized that no political position is worth the life of any Nigerian.

The International Day of Peace, celebrated globally on September 21, serves as a call for peace and unity. It is a day dedicated to amplifying the importance of harmony in every part of the world. At the event, Jonathan reiterated the need for sustained efforts aimed at ensuring long-lasting peace within Nigeria. His message echoed the theme of this year’s celebration, “Cultivating a Culture of Peace,” which focuses on fostering dialogue, unity, and reconciliation across communities.

The theme for the year underscores the urgent need for proactive measures that promote peaceful coexistence. Joseph Ochogwu, Director-General of the Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, supported Jonathan’s sentiments, emphasizing the critical role of collective action in building a culture of peace. According to Ochogwu, fostering peaceful dialogue and reconciliation is key to addressing societal conflicts and encouraging unity within Nigeria’s diverse population.

Federal lawmaker Eze Nwachukwu also contributed to the discussion, urging Nigerian leaders to embrace integrity in their governance practices. He noted that without integrity, it would be impossible to achieve the sustainable progress needed for the nation’s development. Nwachukwu’s call for ethical leadership resonated strongly with the audience, highlighting integrity as an essential building block for the country’s future.

The Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution also emphasized the need for stronger collaboration to tackle the underlying causes of conflict. Issues such as poverty, unemployment, and political marginalization continue to fuel unrest in many parts of Nigeria. The Institute’s message centered on the importance of addressing these socio-economic problems through joint efforts, as they are at the heart of many conflicts across the nation.

The dialogue concluded with a collective commitment to promoting peace and unity as core elements for Nigeria’s stability and prosperity. Participants at the event recognized that without a concerted effort to foster harmony, the country’s path to sustainable development would remain challenging. Goodluck Jonathan’s appeal for peaceful political practices serves as a reminder that peace is indispensable to the progress and future of Nigeria.

The International Day of Peace event highlighted the urgent need for dialogue, unity, and integrity among Nigeria’s political leaders. By addressing the root causes of conflict and committing to peaceful practices, Nigeria can secure a stable and prosperous future for all its citizens.

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