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A group of women residing in the Mile 1 and Mile 3 Diobu areas of Port Harcourt have staged a protest directed at the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC). They assert that the recent power outage in the Garden City, exacerbated by nocturnal heat waves, has significantly impacted their lives.

Brandishing placards and voicing their grievances through chants, the women lament the spoilage of food stored in their refrigerators, necessitating frequent disposal.

An anonymous protester articulated, “We approach NEPA to address the absence of electricity in the Mile 3 vicinity. Despite our consistent monthly payments, we are deprived of electricity, which adversely affects us, causing our culinary preparations to turn rancid.”

Furthermore, they contend that the diminished power supply has adversely affected intimate interactions within their marriages, as the oppressive heat discourages their spouses from fulfilling their marital duties.

At the time of reporting, PHEDC has yet to issue an official statement. Nevertheless, the ongoing reduction in electricity provision across the Port Harcourt metropolis may be linked to the recent collapse of the national power grid.

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