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Amidst the prevailing controversy regarding Senator Abdul Ningi’s assertions of budget padding, three senators – Steve Sunday Karimi, Titus Tartenger Zam, and Kaka Sheu – have emerged to refute the accusations as groundless, devoid of merit, and a mere figment of Senator Ningi’s imagination.

In a collective declaration released on behalf of the Northern Senators’ Forum, the trio cautioned against what they perceive as the scheming of individuals seeking to sow discord within the upper echelons of the National Assembly.

Asserting their unwavering commitment to maintaining the integrity of the budgetary process, the senators outrightly repudiated any endeavors to manipulate or misuse the budget for ulterior motives.

They emphasized their refusal to be coerced or influenced into partaking in activities that undermine the credibility and transparency of the budgetary procedure, which they affirm was carried out with sincerity.

Their united stance underscores the cohesion and solidarity among northern senators in debunking what they perceive as unfounded accusations aimed at besmirching the reputation of the Senate and its members.

The Northern Senators’ Forum’s unambiguous dismissal of Senator Ningi’s assertions underscores their dedication to upholding the tenets of accountability, transparency, and probity in governance.

Their firm stance serves as a testament to the significance of maintaining faith and trust in the legislative process, particularly concerning matters as pivotal as budgetary allocations and disbursements.

As the discourse surrounding budget padding persists, stakeholders advocate for a thorough investigation and open review process to address any apprehensions and ensure the integrity of the budgetary framework.

The senators’ collective repudiation mirrors their steadfast commitment to safeguarding the integrity of the Senate and protecting the interests of their constituents and the Nigerian populace at large.

Looking ahead, it is imperative for all involved parties to engage in constructive discourse and cooperative endeavors to preserve the sanctity of the budgetary process and foster accountability and transparency in governance.

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