The Federal Government has provided an update on the progress of the Port Harcourt-Maiduguri railway project, stating that the laying of tracks will be completed within three years. Mr Fidet Okhiria, the Managing Director of the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC), shared this information during an inspection of the completed tracks on the Port Harcourt-Aba section of the project.
 The completion of this portion of the eastern narrow gauge is expected to facilitate train services in the coming months.
Mr Okhiria highlights the need to commence operations promptly to prevent deterioration of the track and potential vandalism. 
While locomotives could currently operate on the track to Aba, the goal is to ensure commercial viability. The NRC has set a timeline to initiate operations, and plans are underway to address operational logistics and security concerns.
The NRC boss highlighted that train services on the Port Harcourt-Aba section would begin shortly, focusing on the commercial aspect. He expressed the urgency of starting operations to prevent potential issues and emphasized the importance of developing a viable plan to ensure the smooth running of train services in the region.
Additionally, Okhiria revealed that the NRC would refurbish existing wagons to complement the expected new rolling stocks. This strategy aligns with optimizing resources and enhancing the overall efficiency of the railway system, ensuring a comprehensive and sustainable approach to railway development in the country.

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