Preceding the Federal Government’s declaration, the Minister of State for the FCT voiced her conviction that the recent intrusion and plundering of the warehouse owned by the FCT Department of Agriculture and Rural Development were not solely driven by hunger.

Mrs. Mariya Mahmoud underscored that the culprits, whom she branded as delinquents with illicit motives, ransacked the warehouse, absconding with food provisions, equipment, and causing havoc to assets.

In her declaration, Mrs. Mahmoud affirmed that the individuals culpable for the plundering would face repercussions, particularly subsequent to the apprehension of 15 suspects implicated in the event.

The Minister of State for the FCT censured the actions of the wrongdoers, accentuating their unlawful intentions and the devastation wrought upon governmental possessions and reserves.

The incident of plundering accentuates the hurdles posed by criminal factions endeavoring to exploit civil unrest for personal gains, rather than addressing authentic grievances pertaining to food security and economic adversity.

Mrs. Mahmoud reiterated the determination of the FCT administration to maintain lawfulness, pledging swift and resolute measures against those engaged in illicit undertakings such as plundering and sabotage.

The apprehension of suspects denotes a noteworthy stride toward reinstating order and holding individuals accountable for their deeds in unsettling public security and infringing upon the liberties of others.

The episode serves as a reminder of the significance of sustaining vigilance and implementing efficacious security measures to safeguard public infrastructure and reserves against criminal exploits.

Looking ahead, the FCT administration is poised to fortify security protocols and collaborate with law enforcement agencies to forestall analogous incidents and ensure the safeguarding of public assets.

In the aftermath of the plundering, endeavors will be channeled towards evaluating and alleviating the repercussions of the devastation while fostering community involvement and resilience against criminal factions endeavoring to subvert societal equilibrium.

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