Federal Government Announces Implementation of New Minimum Wage

During the May Day celebration in Abuja, Minister of State for Labour, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, revealed that the new minimum wage, despite ongoing negotiations by the Tripartite Committee On National Minimum Wage, will officially commence from May 1, 2024.

Expressing regret over the delay in finalizing the new wage structure, Minister Onyejeocha assured Nigerian workers that extensive consultations are underway to expedite the formulation of the wage policy.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) have consistently advocated for an upward revision of wage standards, citing the necessity for workers to contend with the prevailing economic challenges and heightened cost of living within the country. Their recent demand for a new minimum wage of ₦615,000 underscores the urgency of addressing the financial strain experienced by the average Nigerian worker.

Highlighting the inadequacy of the current minimum wage of ₦30,000, labour unions lamented the non-compliance of some state governors with the existing wage framework, which expired in April. This expiration, occurring five years after the enactment of the Minimum Wage Act of 2019 by former President Muhammadu Buhari, emphasizes the need for periodic reviews to align with evolving economic conditions.

In a separate address at the 2024 Workers’ Day event in Abuja, President Bola Tinubu commended the invaluable contributions of Nigerian workers to the nation’s progress. Vice President Kashim Shettima, representing President Tinubu, assured workers of the government’s commitment to considering the recommendations of the minimum wage committee.

President Tinubu reiterated the administration’s dedication to advancing Nigeria’s reform agenda, affirming its unwavering support for the welfare and prosperity of the nation’s workforce.

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