Federal Government Orders Thorough Audit of Local Airlines by NCAA

In response to the recent runway incident involving Dana Airlines, the Federal Government has mandated the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) to conduct a comprehensive audit of all domestic airlines operating within the country. This directive was announced by the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Festus Keyamo, during a televised program on Thursday.
Keyamo emphasized the need for heightened scrutiny beyond the suspension of Dana Airlines, stressing the importance of ensuring passenger safety and the overall health of the civil aviation sector. The decision to extend the audit to all carriers underscores the government’s commitment to upholding aviation standards and regulatory oversight.
Facing criticism for perceived external influence on the autonomy of the NCAA, Keyamo defended his actions, citing concerns raised by recent incidents involving Dana Airlines. He directed the NCAA to suspend the airline pending a thorough audit, citing apprehensions regarding both safety and financial viability. The directive, promptly enforced by NCAA Director General Chris Najomo, reflects a proactive approach to addressing potential risks and ensuring accountability within the aviation industry.

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