Labour Unions Demand Immediate Reversal of Electricity Tariff Surge

The Presidents of the Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress, Joe Ajaero and Festus Osifo, jointly addressed the May Day celebration in Abuja, articulating a collective plea for the Federal Government to promptly rescind the recent escalation in electricity tariffs. Additionally, they advocated for the nationwide deployment of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses in accordance with prior agreements.

Among the 18-point grievances articulated by the labour leaders, they emphasized the imperative of reassessing the electricity privatization initiative, advocating for a course correction.

Furthermore, they advocated for a cessation of discriminatory pricing practices and urged the implementation of tariffs that accurately reflect the cost of service provision.

The recent tariff hike, announced by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) on April 3, 2024, elicited widespread condemnation due to its immediate impact on consumers. Particularly, customers receiving 20 hours of daily power supply, categorized under Band A, face a substantial increase from ₦66 to ₦225 per kilowatt-hour.

The timing of the tariff adjustment, juxtaposed with prevailing economic challenges, has intensified public scrutiny and dissent, underscoring the urgency of addressing consumer welfare concerns.

In addition to the tariff reversal, the labour unions advocate for a one-year moratorium on all taxation and levies imposed on informal sector participants by state and local governments. This temporary reprieve seeks to alleviate the financial burden on vulnerable segments of the economy, providing much-needed relief amidst economic uncertainty.

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