N-HYPPADEC Collaborates with 10 States to Enhance Food Security

The National Hydro Electric Power Producing Areas Development Commission (N-HYPPADEC) is collaborating with 10 states across Nigeria to fortify food security amidst growing apprehensions regarding the soaring prices of food commodities nationwide.

This partnership endeavors to augment food security through multifaceted endeavors, including the provision of smallholder farm machinery, dissemination of enhanced seedlings in riverine communities, and advocacy for irrigation farming. Abubakar Yelwa, the Managing Director and Chief Executive of the Commission, emphasized during a rendezvous with Agriculture Commissioners from the 10 states that there exists no opportune moment other than now to foster alliances for food security.

The settlements nestled within the catchment areas of the N-HYPPADEC are predominantly riverine, affording abundant access to water conducive to year-round crop cultivation. Nevertheless, large-scale agriculture is confined to the rainy season, reliant on manual labor and meager extension services.

The Commission posits that harmonizing with President Ahmed Tinubu’s Agricultural initiative necessitates concerted endeavors to furnish small-scale machinery, superior seeds, and extension services to ensure prolific yields.

Abubakar Yelwa reaffirmed the Commission’s dedication to assimilating into the Agricultural blueprints delineated by each state, aspiring for NHYPPADEC states to spearhead in food production and processing nationwide.

Agriculture Commissioners, in dialogues with reporters, underscored the urgency for immediate remedies to mitigate the adversities stemming from the exorbitant prices of food commodities. They implored citizens to exhibit nationalism by abstaining from capricious price escalations on food items.

This congregation serves as a forum to garner insights into effectuating tangible measures to augment agricultural output within the Commission’s purview. However, the efficacy of these endeavors may only be gauged come the subsequent harvest season.

Endeavors to fortify food security are imperative in redressing the apprehensions surrounding the surging costs of food items and ensuring sustainable access to affordable and nourishing sustenance for all Nigerians

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