Northern Monarchs Urge Federal Government to Tackle Escalating Suffering and Unrest in Nigeria

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The Monarchs hailing from the Northern region, spearheaded by the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III, convened at the Arewa House in Kaduna during the 6th executive Northern Traditional Council Committee meeting. They expressed profound apprehension to the Federal Government regarding the mounting anguish, insecurity, destitution, and joblessness in Nigeria, particularly in the North, which has reached a precarious juncture where assuaging the populace is proving increasingly arduous.

Amidst the assembly, the Sultan conveyed the sentiment that traditional leaders, religious figures, and state governors have been toiling assiduously to pacify the general populace, including the disenfranchised youth, to forestall any potential uprising against the incumbent political leadership. He underscored that the traditional leaders have been endeavoring to reassure the populace that remedies to their socioeconomic tribulations are being earnestly pursued.

The Sultan accentuated the exigency of the circumstance, articulating that traditional leaders are encountering escalating difficulties in upholding tranquility and thwarting potential uprisings against the government and political figures responsible for ameliorating the populace’s predicament. He stressed the imperative of addressing the underlying causes of discontent and ensuring that the populace perseveres with hope and forbearance.

Acknowledging the populace’s agitation, starvation, and exasperation, the Sultan underscored the necessity for action transcending mere reassurances. He underscored the significance of tackling surging poverty rates and the dearth of livelihood prospects among the common folk, factors that have contributed to the prevalent unrest and insecurity.

The Sultan implored for collaborative endeavors from traditional, religious, and diplomatic dignitaries to extend outreach to all echelons of society, assuring them that measures are being instituted to ameliorate their circumstances. He emphasized the fusion of prayers with tangible deeds to effect positive transformation and alleviate suffering.

Emphasizing the gravity of the situation, the Sultan reiterated that the issues of insecurity and poverty cannot be disregarded or underestimated. He stressed the imperative of introspection and dialogue to discern the root causes and pursue substantive remedies.

Addressing apprehensions regarding governance continuity, the Sultan underscored that the incumbent administration represents a continuum of preceding regimes, and hence, the foundational origins of societal quandaries must be collectively redressed. He underscored the significance of discourse and cooperation to tackle the multifaceted challenges confronting Nigeria, especially in the Northern sphere.

In summation, the Sultan reaffirmed the necessity for proactive measures to confront the prevailing challenges, underscoring the need for concerted endeavors from all stakeholders to assuage suffering, fortify security, and reinstate hope and trust in the government’s capacity to address the nation’s exigencies.

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