Obi and Atiku Praise Nigerian Workers, Advocate Enhanced Welfare Packages

In observance of this year’s International Workers’ Day, also known as May Day, former presidential candidates Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Peter Obi of the Labour Party extend their commendations to Nigerian workers for their invaluable contributions to the nation’s advancement.

Recognizing the arduous journey of Nigerian workers in attaining their due rewards amidst adversities, both leaders underscore the significance of this annual celebration in honoring the labor force’s pivotal role in societal development and economic prosperity.

In his address, Atiku highlights the prevailing challenges confronting Nigerian workers, emphasizing the persistent hardships and precarious living conditions endured by many despite promises of improved wages from the government. He laments the detrimental impact of policy inconsistencies, particularly concerning the subsidy regime and escalating service tariffs, which exacerbate the plight of the average Nigerian.

Drawing parallels with historical labor activists such as Pa. Michael Imoudu, Pascal Bafyau, and Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, Atiku emphasizes the enduring resilience of Nigerian workers in resisting tyranny and advocating for good governance. He criticizes the current administration for its perceived disregard for workers’ rights and the absence of meaningful interventions to alleviate their suffering.

Furthermore, Atiku expresses solidarity with Nigerian workers while urging the government to prioritize their welfare and address the pressing issues outlined in this year’s Labor Day theme: “Ensuring Safety and Health at Work In a Changing Climate.”

In a similar vein, Peter Obi echoes Atiku’s sentiments, condemning the government’s failure to safeguard workers’ interests and improve their living standards. He denounces the administration’s management of the country’s economic affairs as a misguided experiment at the expense of Nigerian workers’ well-being.

Despite the adversities faced by Nigerian workers under the current regime, Obi extends his heartfelt greetings to them on this occasion, expressing hope that their collective efforts will inspire positive change and compel the government to prioritize their welfare concerns

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