Ohimai Atafo, popularly known as Mai Atafo, distinguishes himself as a Nigerian Fashion Designer renowned for his eponymous brand, Mai Atafo. Recounting his voyage into entrepreneurship at the 2024 edition of ‘The Platform’, Atafo unveils the narrative of his unanticipated departure from the corporate realm to the realm of fashion design.
Expressing candidly, Atafo discloses that he never envisioned forsaking his corporate occupation for the domain of fashion. He imparts sage advice, urging aspiring entrepreneurs to discern the underlying principles that propelled their mentors to success, rather than merely replicating their actions. Drawing from personal experience, Atafo underscores the pivotal role of perseverance and strategic adaptation in the entrepreneurial trajectory.
Trained at the esteemed Savile Row Academy in Leeds, United Kingdom, Atafo honed his craft as a master tailor, augmenting his skill set to navigate the intricacies of the fashion industry with finesse.
Reflecting on the pivotal moment of transition, Atafo elucidates that the decision to relinquish his corporate tenure transpired unexpectedly. He narrates the serendipitous sequence of events that precipitated his departure, recounting how an ordinary workday transmuted into a defining moment of epiphany. Driven by an unwavering passion for his craft, Atafo seamlessly melded his professional obligations with his burgeoning entrepreneurial pursuits, blurring the demarcation between work and vocation.
As he imparts wisdom garnered from years of hands-on experience, Atafo underscores the intrinsic value of experiential learning, emphasizing that his entrepreneurial acumen was honed not through theoretical instruction, but through firsthand encounters with the challenges and triumphs of business ownership.
Upon his return to Nigeria in 2002, Atafo embarked on a distinguished corporate odyssey, navigating diverse roles within renowned organizations. Commencing his professional journey at British American Tobacco Nigeria, he wielded his expertise in marketing to ascend the ranks, subsequently transitioning to Guinness Nigeria, where he assumed the mantle of Brand Manager. Bolstered by his corporate tenure, Atafo laid a formidable groundwork for his foray into the entrepreneurial sphere, leveraging his multifaceted skill set to navigate the complexities of the fashion landscape with aplomb
-31 January 2025