Zamfara Governor Confident Notorious Bandit Leader Bello Turji Will Be Captured or Killed Soon

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Governor Lawal’s Assurance on Ending Banditry

The Governor of Zamfara State, Dauda Lawal, has expressed confidence that the reign of terror by notorious bandit leader Bello Turji will soon be brought to an end. According to Governor Lawal, security efforts have intensified, and Turji’s days are numbered. His comments came during a national television political program, where he assured Nigerians that the collaboration between state authorities and the Federal Government will soon bear fruit in neutralizing the bandit.

The governor’s optimism follows the recent success of the Nigerian military, which eliminated wanted bandit leader Halilu Sububu, responsible for terrorizing communities in Zamfara, Sokoto, and other parts of the North-West. The operation led to the death of Sububu and over 30 other bandits, marking a significant victory in the ongoing battle against banditry in the region.

Governor Lawal emphasized that while the capture or death of Bello Turji is imminent, the fight against banditry must continue relentlessly. He stressed the importance of maintaining military pressure to achieve lasting peace in Zamfara and the North-West. According to the governor, sustained efforts over the next few weeks could significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of bandit attacks.

Zamfara State has not only been plagued by banditry but also by illegal mining activities. Governor Lawal highlighted the connection between these two issues, suggesting that illegal mining may be fueling banditry in the state. Non-state actors, including bandits, are believed to be involved in the illicit extraction of mineral resources, which generates millions of dollars in unregulated revenue.

In his quest to curb illegal mining, Governor Lawal has called for a comprehensive review of how the mining sector is regulated. While mining is under the Federal Government’s exclusive list, the land belongs to the state,
creating a need for synergy between the two levels of government. This collaboration is essential to ensure transparency, proper regulation, and accountability in the mining industry.

Governor Lawal also expressed concerns about the lack of clarity regarding the number of licensed miners operating in Zamfara and the revenue generated from mining activities. He stressed the need for better coordination
between the state and federal authorities to track and regulate mining operations effectively. This step is crucial to ending illegal mining, which not only deprives the government of revenue but also exacerbates the security
situation in the state.

Governor Lawal’s bold statements and the military’s recent successes offer hope for the people of Zamfara, who have long suffered under the threat of banditry. With sustained military operations and reforms in the mining sector, the state is on the path to restoring peace and stability. While challenges remain, the combined efforts of the state and federal governments give reason for optimism that notorious bandits like Bello Turji will soon be a thing of the past.

Beyond military operations, Governor Lawal has emphasized the need for a broader approach to tackling insecurity in Zamfara State. While the military continues to play a crucial role in dismantling bandit groups, the governor believes that strong governance, community involvement, and socio-economic development must complement these efforts. By addressing the root causes of insecurity, including poverty, unemployment, and illegal activities like mining, the state can build a more sustainable and peaceful future.

Governor Lawal has called for greater community involvement in the fight against banditry. Local communities are often the first to experience the effects of insecurity and, as such, have a critical role to play in reporting
suspicious activities and working closely with security forces. The governor believes that by empowering local leaders and communities, Zamfara can develop more effective, grassroots-driven solutions to security challenges.

One of the governor’s key priorities is boosting economic development in Zamfara, as a way to combat insecurity. He has stressed that creating jobs and improving access to education and resources are vital in reducing the appeal
of criminal activities, particularly for young people. By focusing on job creation and economic empowerment, the state can help reduce the number of individuals drawn into banditry or illegal mining, offering a brighter future
for Zamfara’s youth.

Governor Lawal has praised the ongoing collaboration between the state and Federal Government, noting that a united approach is essential for lasting security. He continues to advocate for stronger ties between state agencies,
federal security forces, and neighboring states to combat banditry effectively. This cooperation will ensure that operations against criminal networks are coordinated and well-supported, ultimately leading to greater success
in the fight against insecurity.

As Zamfara moves forward, Governor Lawal’s administration is working on a comprehensive blueprint that addresses both short-term security challenges and long-term development goals. This plan includes reforms in governance, strengthening security, enhancing transparency in the mining sector, and promoting education and economic growth. The governor’s vision is to create a state where peace, prosperity, and safety are the norm, rather than the exception.

While significant progress has been made in the fight against banditry, Governor Lawal is realistic about the challenges that lie ahead. He acknowledges that the elimination of Bello Turji and other bandit leaders, though critical, will not instantly end the problem of insecurity. However, with continued military pressure, community engagement, and economic reforms, the governor believes that the state is on the right path. The road ahead requires perseverance, but the opportunities for lasting peace and development are within reach.
Governor Lawal’s leadership, combined with the concerted efforts of the military, federal agencies, and local communities, has instilled a renewed sense of hope in Zamfara State. The imminent capture or death of Bello Turji
represents a turning point in the battle against banditry. With continued focus on governance, economic development, and collaboration at all levels, Zamfara can look forward to a more peaceful and secure future.

Governor Lawal’s vision for the state reflects a commitment to building a safer, more prosperous Zamfara, where its people can thrive without fear.


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